If a man is dissatisfied with the size of his penis, the solution to the problem is special exercises that can be performed at home. Such exercises not only increase the length and diameter of the penis, but also increase erection. It should be understood that effectiveness is guaranteed only if you regularly practice and follow the technique of performing manipulations.
Experts ask you to be careful when engaging in such activities and to remember the safety rules. It is forbidden to apply excessive compression and stretching to the genital organ, so as not to cause injury.
Correct performance of certain exercises will help pump up the male penis. The effect can be improved with special tools and weights that pull the penis down. When performing exercises at home, men rarely use such devices.
There are a number of recommendations for those who have just started doing exercises. This includes:
Medical products (medicines, drugs, vitamins, dietary supplements) are listed for informational purposes only. We strongly do not recommend using them without a doctor's prescription. We recommend reading: "Why can't you take medicines without a doctor's prescription? ""
- avoiding excessive stress on the organ;
- absence of prolonged compression of the penis and disruption of tissue blood supply;
- measured training (in the first week, do exercises every other day);
- gradual increase in stretching and loading;
- adding new exercises after a month of training.
If a guy is doing penis gymnastics for the first time, the training time should not be longer than 15 minutes. After that, increase the charging time to 30 minutes a day.
Before starting the class, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to clarify the individual characteristics of the penis and adjust the exercises. One of the main rules is regularity and accuracy. Special attention should be paid to working with the head.

Working principle
When choosing a training method, a man must know what they are intended for. There are exercises to increase the thickness of the penis and its length. Most often, they are aimed at increasing blood flow to the organ and stimulating the growth of the cavernous body.
A normal penis size is considered to be 12-18 cm long and 2-5 cm thick during erection. If, in a state of excitement, the length of the penis does not exceed 8 cm, doctors consider it a pathology. If you have such a problem, it is recommended that you contact an expert for advice and finding a solution.

Preparation for training
The result of home exercises directly depends on how a person has prepared the organ. Exercises for penis enlargement must begin with warming up the tissues. Heating the penis allows you to:
- balance the blood pressure in the penis;
- avoid pain after training;
- increase blood flow to organs and strengthen pelvic muscles;
- reduce the risk of injury.
Light massage or water procedures are recommended to warm the penis.
Water procedures
Warm water encourages physical and psychological relaxation of a person. Before filling, it is advised to lie down in a bathtub or make a special bath for the penis with a water temperature not higher than 43 degrees.

The duration of water procedures should be at least 10 minutes. The bathtub can be replaced by a warm shower. After that, it is necessary to dry the penis and apply lubricant. Lubrication is necessary to perform manipulations for penis enlargement.
Heating the penis through massage should be done with caution so as not to damage it. For the massage you will need a towel and warm water. The warm-up technique is as follows:
- Wrap the towel in a roll.
- Wet the towel with hot water.
- Wrap the roller around the penis.
- Start rubbing.
The duration of the massage should not exceed five minutes. Classes are held 3 times with 2-minute breaks.The characteristic of the massage is that the head should be open and that it should not be rubbed with a towel.
Types of exercises
Penis enlargement exercises done at home are safe and painless. However, they do not require additional costs and are extremely effective.
Among all methods of penis enlargement, the most effective are those that promote tissue stretching, the growth of the corpus cavernosum and increase its blood supply.
These methods will be effective only if all preparation rules are followed and regularity is maintained.
Stimulation of blood flow
Improving blood circulation in the penis causes the following positive effects:
- improvement of erectile function;
- increase in diameter;
- prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
- preventing stagnation.
But doctors also note numerous disadvantages of this procedure. This includes hematomas, bruises and reduced organ sensitivity. Such situations occur only when a man does not follow the rules of training. Most often, a person puts too much pressure on the head, damaging the thin surface tissue.
Tissue stretching
The exercise can only be performed when the penis is at rest. This workout is divided into three types of difficulty:
- The man takes the head and carefully raises it, at this point counting to ten. Then move your head to the left for 10 seconds and to the right for the same amount of time. The procedure is repeated twice a day for five minutes.
- The guy completely grips the shaft of the penis and pulls it up. You must hold this position for 10 seconds and slowly return the penis to its original position. The manipulation should be performed at least 10 times.
- The most difficult option is when the guy grabs the shaft of the penis with his left hand and the head with his right hand. In this case, the hands should be directed in opposite directions: the left hand pulls the base down, and the right pulls the head up. In the stretched state, the organ is fixed for 10-15 seconds, 3 approaches. You should do at least five approaches per day.
When performing manipulations with the genital organ, listen carefully to your feelings. If a person experiences sharp pain that does not stop, consult a doctor immediately.
The method involves achieving an erection, placing the feet shoulder-width apart and rhythmically tightening the muscle fibers of the perineum. At the same time, the penis, like a bell, begins to swing. The duration of the lesson is from 2 to 5 minutes.
Kegel exercises
It is necessary to alternately strain the deep muscles of the perineum for 5 minutes. In order to understand which muscles need to be tightened, the man is asked to stop the stream while urinating. The same action should be done when doing Kegel exercises.

It is performed with a full erection. The man grasps the base of the penis with his fingers, slowly moving his hand towards the head. The procedure ends after 7-10 minutes or when ejaculation is achieved.

To perform this technique, you need a special simulator that compresses the penis at the base during arousal. Manipulation is recommended to be combined with other techniques.

Squats, running and walking also help to improve the blood supply to the perineal organs, helping the man to achieve the desired result. Tantric sex helps tighten the deep pelvic muscles and stimulates blood flow to the penis.
What to do after training
Afterwardstraining, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the penis, excluding sex for at least 3 hours.
To achieve a greater effect, doctors recommend following the following rules:
- Eliminate bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, which significantly harms sexual health.
- Don't get too cold.
- Avoid stressful situations and excessive physical activity.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Prevent the development of blood stagnation (running, walking).
- Combine training with special tools (extender).
- Make love regularly to improve blood circulation.
If all the rules are followed, a man will see the desired result within 5-7 months. If you suspect an injury to the penis, immediately consult a specialist for diagnostic measures and therapy.
Prerequisites for penis enlargement
Indications for medical intervention in problems with the size of the phallus are physiological pathologies and severe psychological disorders. Men often attribute any failure of a sexual nature to the size of the organ. And the accumulation of such negativity affects not only the psychological health of a person, but also causes the development of general weakness in the body. However, surgical intervention to solve such a problem is not always justified. After all, sometimes male frustration is unjustified, and penis enlargement is not necessary at all, because it is far from the main factor of success in bed. Length often does not play a decisive role in a man's sexual potential.
Let's consider the medical prerequisites for penis enlargement:
- micropenis is a rare disorder caused by hormonal imbalance (pituitary insufficiency). Surgical correction is used in case of detection of the microsize of the penis and its functional disorders. At the same time, only a doctor can correctly determine the size of the organ (in an excited state and from the head to the base), assess the problem and decide on the need for surgical intervention.
- acquired deformations and development of organs with abnormal parameters. Hypo- and epispadias are often diagnosed, injuries are identified and fibrosis of the cavernous bodies is revealed.
- the process of penile involution. It is considered a natural process associated with the general aging of the body and the loss of tone, elasticity of muscles and tissues. It is not an indication for correction and is carried out situationally.
Sometimes corrections for penis enlargement are carried out for other reasons, among which there is dysfunction in the state of erection, which is not amenable to drug treatment. The patient's persistent desire is often encountered. In such cases, the doctor analyzes the situation and independently makes a decision, weighing the pros and cons.
Penis enlargement (in length and diameter) can be achieved by non-surgical and surgical methods. This technique is called ligamentotomy. Penis lengthening is done by cutting the suspensory ligament, which frees up a few centimeters. Special groups of surgical corrections are:
- penile prosthetics;
- dissociative manipulation;
- method of transplantation using tissue from another part of the skin and specific biological products.
Penis enlargement is possible without surgery:
- use of extenders;
- use of vacuum and manual exercises.
Contraindications for penis enlargement
Contraindications are an integral part of the surgical cluster of medicine. Surgical correction cannot be performed if:
- the patient is under 18 years of age and the phallus has not yet formed. If you make a correction during the period of organ development, you may encounter serious consequences in the future.
- the operation is accompanied by pathological changes that make it unacceptable;
- there is a general incompatibility of the body with surgical interventions, for example, blood count (poor clotting);
- the presence of an STI in the patient.
Extension methods and features of their implementation
Ligamentotomy allows you to lengthen the penis through surgery. The prevalence of this method is related to the relative ease of surgical manipulation, absence of complications and financial availability. However, patients with erectile dysfunction will not be able to afford such a procedure, because lengthening the penis involves cutting the suspensory ligament, which will further aggravate the existing problem.
Based on their understanding that a certain part of the phallus is in the inactive zone (pubic area), the possibility of its activation in the form of an increase in length is updated. To do this, the ligament that supports the "spare segment" is cut. Plus 1-2 centimeters is the initial result of ligamentotomy. Further use of the extender allows you to increase the organ by a few more precious centimeters. The device was repaired by experts in full compliance with orthopedic standards. As a result of using the extender, adhesions are formed, thanks to which the penis is fixed and lengthened. Adhesions can help increase male enhancement by another 4-6 centimeters.
Sutures after surgical manipulation are removed after two weeks. The full results of the operation can be assessed after 4-6 months. If you follow the postoperative recommendations and properly organize the rehabilitation period, there should be no complications.
Surgical thickening of the phallus by surgery
The breadth of masculinity is also a subject of discussion and desire by men (and often by women). There are two options for penis enlargement:
- lipofilling. Based on the name of the method, you can understand that it is about the introduction of fatty tissue into the subcutaneous area, while simultaneously performing liposuction. The required material is taken from the stomach or buttocks, cleaned and injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the phallus. Plus one centimeter in diameter is a pretty good indicator for this manipulation. At the same time, the patient does not worry about the dangers associated with the procedure and its consequences. The negative aspect is the temporary effect of the procedure and the need to repeat it.
- muscle tissue transplantation. It is considered the most complex surgical procedure. Material for transplantation is taken from the armpit or abdomen. During the operation, the penis is wrapped in fabric, followed by sewing up the blood vessels. As a result, plus 3-4 centimeters.
Penis prosthetics
Penile prosthesis is considered a traditional surgical method. Certain indications (small size and sexual dysfunction) are required to perform such an operation. Natural cartilage tissue or artificial elastic materials are used for prostheses. Since the operation is complex, it is not performed on patients with somatic pathologies. The optimal variation of the prosthesis with an inflatable mechanism, because the person independently determines the size in an upright position. Clients can choose an implant based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.
Enlargement without surgery
Enlargement of the phallus is common even without surgical manipulation. If the patient has a desire to correct the size, but there is no way to do it surgically due to contraindications, it is worth using special devices and devices. When vacuum devices are used, the diameter increases. A change in blood circulation in the organ is considered a simultaneous effect. To lengthen the penis, you should use an extender (fixator). The stretching effect enables an increase in length by 2-3 centimeters after 6 months. In addition, wearing an extender is important when performing a ligamentotomy.
How to increase the penis with exercises

When nature has not "rewarded" you with a large penis, various methods are used to increase it. You can resort to creams and ointments, or you can prioritize training. Of course, this method of influence will not help the phallus of microscopic size to be gigantic, but a decent result can be achieved if you regularly conduct classes.
Preparation for training
Exercises for penis enlargement begin with preliminary "warm-up" procedures. They allow:
- improve blood flow to the pelvic organs;
- normalize the pressure inside the male organ;
- reduce the likelihood of traumatic injuries;
- achieve results.
Any activity, even those aimed at increasing the penis, requires preliminary preparation. In order to prevent pain in the muscles, it is recommended to "warm them up" before training. This happens with the help of thermal influence.
What can be done:
- Take a warm shower or bath.
- Give a massage.
There are different methods of performing exercises, but all of them require preliminary preparation. Because in its absence there is a high risk of certain complications: hematoma and abrasion on the surface of the male organ.
Advantages of water treatments
It is recommended to keep the penis in warm water for some time before the procedure. The water should not be too hot. The comfortable temperature is selected individually. But it is preferable that it does not exceed 43 degrees.
Effective method of "warming up", action plan:
- a man needs to fill his tub;
- immerse yourself in it up to the waist;
- You can replace the bath with a warm shower at a comfortable temperature.
After taking water procedures, they start directly with exercises, but before starting training, it is recommended to dry the genital organ with a towel and apply lubricant (lubricant) to its surface.

Thermal massage
Increasing the size of the penis can also be started with a thermal massage. This method of influence is simple, but for its successful implementation you will need: warm water and a terry towel.
- A man should roll up a towel.
- Moisten it with hot water.
- Wrap the phallus in a towel.
- Start rubbing it.
It is recommended to rub for at least 5 minutes, then stop and repeat 2-3 more times, without increasing the exposure time. The penis is not completely wrapped, the head remains open, it is not wiped, as this can lead to unpleasant sensations.
Male dignity massage should not cause pain or discomfort, the movements are light and smooth, but the impact force is moderate.
At home, warming up before performing male enhancement exercises is not difficult. Such procedures will help improve the effectiveness of exercise, as well as reduce the risk of developing unwanted side effects.

Training scheme
There are various exercises to increase the thickness of the penis and its length, there are several techniques for performing them.
Most often, men prefer:
- stretching;
- stretching in a circle;
- stretching while sitting;
- V stretching;
- bell;
- jelqing (milking);
- Kegel exercise;
- flexion of the penis;
- tightening;
- penis massage.
It is difficult to say which exercises will lead to penis growth, combined training is the most effective. All exercises are easy to perform at home, but, according to the reviews of men, you should not expect an increase of 10 cm or more.
Exercise will affect the size, but the result will directly depend on several factors: natural data, age and health.
The inverter needs to be in a stationary state. He was palmed, firmly, under the head. Then they move forward, away from each other (duration 5 seconds). After that, the member returns to its original position. After 2 seconds, repeat the process, just pull not forward, but to the right, again for 5 seconds, then repeat the process, now pull to the left. The procedure should not cause pain or discomfort.
To perform the exercise, you need:
- achieve a mild erection (not fully aroused, but approximately 40%);
- sit on a chair, but first place the penis between the buttocks;
- that is, to "wrap" it, putting pressure on the organ with its own weight.
The procedure lasts several minutes (up to 5), it is recommended to gradually increase the duration in order to achieve the best results.
V stretch
The shaft of the penis is wrapped around the head with a tight ring of fingers. It pulls forward for 5-7 seconds. In parallel, the thumb applies pressure to the base of the organ, then the finger moves and smoothly passes along the entire trunk, up to the head.
The grip should be firm, but the man must not feel severe pain, as this can lead to the appearance of blood and rupture of the capillary network.
Increasing the size of your IF with this exercise is very simple:
- We reach a state of complete erection.
- We spread our legs wide and tense the muscles of the perineum.
- We make movements that resemble the movements of a bell (vertically and horizontally, respectively).
The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes, gradually it can be done longer, but on the condition that the man does not feel pain or discomfort.
Jelqing (milking) or penis stretching is well known to men around the world.
The technique is as follows:
- the fingers are tightly pressed into the ring;
- they begin to move them towards the head without reducing the tension;
- The duration of jelking is 5-7 minutes.
A pause can be made if the man feels that ejaculation is approaching; it is quite possible, because all manipulations are performed with 100% erection.
This is a type of gymnastics with strength. It is performed as follows:
- it is necessary to bring the converter to an upright position;
- then make movements reminiscent of masturbation;
- before the "peak of excitement" is reached, we squeeze the penis in the head area with a firm ring of fingers;
- the compression must not be too strong, otherwise bruises will appear on the surface of the skin;
- fix the position and hold it for several minutes (up to 5-7).
This will help maintain the maximum pressure inside the organs, which will lead to the stretching of the cavernous bodies and their filling with blood.
Effective finish
How to increase the penis with exercises? To do this, it is necessary not only to start the training correctly, but also to finish it correctly, which will require:
After finishing the exercises, it is necessary to gradually reduce the blood flow, often representatives of the stronger sex resort to the help of extenders or complete the training, gradually turning it into a massage.
You can also diversify your activities with the help of contrast rubbing. For this you will need:
- Take 2 towels.
- Soak one in warm water.
- The other is cold.
- Rub the inverter with towels (maintaining the original temperature).
Similar procedures are performed for 10 minutes. If you want, you can resort to the help of an extender, but it all depends on personal preferences.
What will help you achieve the best result:
- rejection of bad habits;
- proper nutrition;
- active lifestyle;
- normalization of sexual life;
- consultation with a urologist or andrologist.
Penis enlargement using exercises is a complex and long-term process that will require patience and endurance. In order to achieve maximum results, it is recommended to resort to combined therapy, not only by training, but also by monitoring diet and lifestyle.